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Cancellation of 84 Bus To Leave Many London Colney Residents Stranded.

London Colney Parish Council were disappointed to find out via an article in the Herts Advertiser that the 84 bus route is to be cancelled from 1st April, and that no official communications had been shared with local authorities, including the Parish Council.

The cancellation of the route that has serviced London Colney since 1912, will leave many residents of London Colney unable to get to work, school and to their hospital appointments.  We strongly oppose the cancellation of this service, and believe that a subsidised service should continue, based on the enormous community benefits it brings the area, particularly to the village of London Colney.

We urge Herts County Council and the relevant bus contractor to come to an agreement that will ensure retention of the existing route. We, the citizens of the Parish of London Colney and St. Albans District Councils believe that further discussions about the future of the 84 bus route should include representatives from both Councils, and no further “secretive talks” should occur by Hertfordshire County Council.

There is a “Change.Org” petition with nearly 5000 signatures already on, Please sign to register your opposition to the route being cancelled:

(If you do not have access to the online petition, please sign the petition at the London Colney Parish Council Office – Caledon Community Centre, Caledon Road, London Colney, AL2 1PU.)

Chair of the Council Malcolm MacMillan, commented. “Community vandalism occurs when there is severe damage to a service that is providing big benefits to the community: that is a description of the county council’s behaviour. But it’s even worse when they engage in such secretive activity without consultation”